5 Loaves donations recognized

5 Loaves donations recognized

Matt Lankford, Anita Collins, 5 Loaves Executive Director Audrey Wallace, Eva Hummel and Jerod Potts, from left, gather to commemorate a $12,500 donation to the Sachse-based nonprofit for the Beacon of Hope program.

[Following Vinson’s comments, there was a ceremony to donate $12,500 to 5 Loaves Food Pantry for its Beacon of Hope program. The Sachse Economic Development Corporation provided a $2,500 donation match to two donations. “We are so blessed to have such wonderful partners that come alongside us,” said 5 Loaves Founder and Executive Director Audrey Wallace. “Thank you to Sachse EDC, Atmos and American National Bank for partnering with us to Provide a Beacon Of Hope to families in need.”]